Thursday, 11 June 2009

Creative Producing

Acting PANDA Director, Julia Turpin, led our June Creative Conversation on Creative Producing. Here's what she had to say about the event...

I really enjoyed listening to both the panel and the audience at the last Creative Conversation session at greenroom. What struck me was the sense of the range of skills that are needed to be a successful producer. Some of the key requirements of the job often overlooked are the ability to pitch an idea effectively and convincingly and to look after everybody at all stages of development and delivery. I particularly liked Richard's idea about banking ideas somewhere until the opportunity arises to develop it further as well as having the solutions to the problems funders need to solve. Debra's notion of allowing doubt into the producing process also struck a chord with me - I look forward to hearing more about her project in Genoa!

With the wealth of talent and resources in the room, I look forward to hearing more about everyone's projects as they develop. It would be great to hear what you gained from the session and what support do you think emerging producers would benefit from most in the region?

1 comment:

  1. Emerging producers need support in navigating the big jigsaw puzzle of the fundraising process. Nothing happens without the money to pay for it.
