Monday, 19 October 2009

Portfolio Careers in Theatre

Well, I can’t walk round the Co-op now without smirking at the voice piped over the speakers promoting British apples and warmly (if a little smugly) advising us to join her in shopping ethically. We all enjoyed the discussion with Martine Dunn – voice of Co-op and much more – and we even had a go at using the powers of persuasion on each other!

Certain members of the group I think discovered hidden talents and it was very fascinating to learn of the spectrum of opportunities for Voice Over Artists or Voice Artists. There were also some interesting discussions around accents and whether or not they were fashionable or advantageous.

If anyone is interested in finding out more or needs mentoring, 1:1 or career advice in any area of voice work, contact us and we will pass on Martine’s details!